Thursday, January 12, 2006

First Computer

The genius of Bill Shatner as a marketing spokes person has always gripped my wallet. Including my first computer. Still have it. I just need a new fuse to make it work. I still might have a few of those games in Microsoft Basic.


  1. Awesome. I grew up with a Commodore 64. It was the best -- that green and black screen and that little blinking cursor invited an array of MS DOS capabilities. :)

  2. I wish we had been so lucky - ours ran on parrafin!

  3. I had a TI growing up. My parents were programmers and created a line of educational programs on it for me. That green and black screen tortured me with multiplication and division drills. I learned how to type on that thing. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

  4. I wasted many hours on my friends commodore. Playing gyris and other video games rotting my brain. Actually, I did my first programming on a Commodore in a graphics language called logo. It made me the dork that I am today!

    Thanks P2, you reminded me of my dork roots. Can't forget where you came from.

  5. I hadn't even thought about a VIC-20, until I saw that ad. Excellent.
