Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Spirit in the Sky

“Phoenix Sky Harbor” is the best name for an airport. It gives the impression that at the beginning of the last century someone envisioned that we would all be flying in masses so large we would need a place like city in the clouds to dock for rest or connections.

While it is not the futuristic place I think of by name, it is a very good airport by my standards. It’s easy to get around, signs are marked clearly, most every airline is represented and there is enough to keep you interested if you are there for a few hours.

The car rental area is just as cool - how often can you say that about a car rental center? All of the rental desks and cars are in a separate building. A bus takes you from Sky Harbor to the car rental. Busses are moving all the time and go up this large circular drive dropping you off out front. It’s just as easy to get on the bus when your time here is done.

My gray Nissan mid-size was not the Pontiac G6 I almost bought last year, drove in Hawaii last year or the car I requested. They were all out. After taking pictures of my rental (tip for you travels with digital cameras for insurance purposes) I got in and found an odd smell. Hours later, after several stops, I had realized that it was just a smoker who had the car previously. I would bet that the Alamo staff had smoked down in this car while it was getting a fill up. It reeked of weed.

Afternoon radio here is pretty good - I was laughing out loud. Phoenix, and especially Scottsdale, is one giant strip mall. I think if all goes well Friday I will go to a local ball game.


  1. PHX is a great airport...but the odd thing is, it's rained the last three times I was there!

  2. I love the PHX airtport and the rental car "terminal"... Then again, what's not to love about the whole Phoenix/Tempe/Scotsdale area.... Go ASU!!
