Thursday, October 27, 2005

Autumn in New York

Today I write to you from New York. As I walk the streets people are saying to one another “remember when Cheryl was here? It was so fun. Such good times.” Then they see me and ask “when is Cheryl coming back? It hasn’t been the same since she left.” Politely I tell them “its too cold here for Cheryl – she will come back next summer.”

Then they press the issue, step it up a notch, as New Yorkers can do, “No, you don’t understand. We want to see Cheryl.” At this point I start to walk away “I only read her blog – my word man! She hardly knows I exist.” This is when I start to run as they chase me.

Luckily, at my hotel tonight Mathew Broderick and Nathan Lane are having their opening party for the Odd Couple - security is tight. So this mob is stopped at the automatic revolving door by two huge guys “packing heat” while they let me pass.

What can I say? They really like Cheryl. But then don’t we all?

Traveler Advisory:

When you have the opportunity to choose which person to check into a hotel with – always pick the one that looks most like your prom date. It will give you a natural advantage of being slightly more energized. A smile, polite behavior, and slight flirtation can get you an upgrade.

What is the difference between a Marriott at $200 a night and the Marriott New York Marquis at $400? In New York, you get a full size candy bar, not just a mint on the pillow.


  1. Hey, I know who you are! That just hurts...

    Nice to know the city is missing me:) $200 for a candy bar? I hope it's a good one. I stayed at the Hotel Marissa, it was great.

  2. A whole candy bar? That is so worth it. ;)

  3. The city sounds so sad without Cheryl, of course who wouldn't be? She's great! Hope your short stay is fun-filled and full of excitement. "And hey, if you're not going to eat that candy bar..."

  4. Hey Paul,

    You're cute. How about we hook up some time?

  5. Cheryl – I was only saying that to get that crazy mob off me. Of course I think very highly of you.

    Christa – Sorry, I would have saved it and sent it to you had I know… NOT. (That’s kind of an old phrase. Maybe I can make it popular again, or just make myself look old.)

    Kiki – It was.

    Scott… sorry I mean Anonymous – I think you are already married to a very attractive blonde.

    Thank you all for reading.

